How To Become A Surrogate Mother

How To Become A Surrogate Mother

How To Become A Surrogate Mother – Quick Facts

How to become a surrogate mother may cross your mind from time to time. Being a surrogate mother is not an easy undertaking. A prospective surrogate mother needs plenty of research and must adhere to a strict set of requirements. Research is essential for understanding various details, such as the laws per state and the many agencies that offer surrogacy services. Every state has its own surrogacy law and every agency has a specific set of requirements. Basically, there are many elements you must assess before you become a surrogate mother.

Any surrogacy plan will require that an aspiring surrogate mother meet many guidelines. The question of how to become a surrogate mother is answered through a specific procedure as well as requirements that a surrogacy agency oversees and handles. The process is long, but need not be complex if the agency you have collaborated with is concise and accurate.

Expect a surrogacy program to have many stages that a potential candidate must complete before becoming a surrogate mother. A thorough background check will be executed, consisting of, but not limited to: your style of living, medical background, and employment history. The agency you sign up for will utilize the information gathered from this check to determine whether you can proceed to the next step.

As soon as you pass the application and evaluation steps, you will be matched to the intended parents. This consists of a profile review of both parties. A face-to-face meeting also takes place to lessen any anxiety or uneasiness.

When a match has been made, an agreement is acknowledged and signed, becoming legally binding. Medical tests are conducted to check your physical, emotional, and mental fitness. These exams mitigate any issues that may appear during pregnancy.

Once you are cleared medically, you will go through IVF cycles to condition your uterus to receive the embryos that the couple produced. Pregnancy transpires, followed by delivery of the baby.

This guide provides answers to the most common questions about how to become a surrogate mother. With enough patience, determination, and research, partnered with your agency’s guidance, you are sure to get all the help you need to make this happen for you.